Legal Tech Glögit Newsletter January 2025
Happy New Year 2025!
Thank you for your collaboration and support throughout the past year. The year 2024 was an exciting and successful year for our network. Not only did the Legal Tech Glögit Network remain vibrant in Finland, but we also saw its concept expand to Sweden!
The founding meeting of Legal Transformation Network, the Sweden chapter of the network, took place in Stockholm at Roschier on October 26, 2024. While the name may differ, the concept of the Swedish chapter is identical, paving the way for exciting opportunities for cross-border collaboration in the coming years.
This newsletter includes:
- An invitation to our 5-year jubileum celebration at Teatteri on January 16, 2025.
- Photos and highlights from the previous sessions hosted by Fondia, Roschier, and the Swedish Bar Association.
- Details about upcoming events, such as the ReqTech event hosted by Sitra and Teknologiateollisuus ry.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our jubileum and throughout the year. Let’s make this year a fantastic year!
Warm regards,
Future events
Legal Tech Glögit 5-Year Jubilee Glögit
It is time to celebrate the first five years of the Legal Tech Glögit Network! Read more on how everything started here.
Founded in January 2019, our network has grown into a community of 300 legal tech enthusiasts, innovators, and professionals. Join us for a relaxed evening of networking and celebration at the Restaurant Teatteri on:
📅 Thursday, 16 January 2025 🕔 17:00–19:00
This milestone session, hosted by ILVES, is open to all old and new members of the Legal Tech Glögit Network. No official program—just great people, glögg, snacks, and plenty of opportunities to connect.
Read about the 5-Year Jubilee here.
Event calendar
Our event calendar is not yet complete, but almost all available hosting slots for year 2025 are already tentatively booked. If you would like to host an event, please contact Heikki.
Save the date
Bird & Bird will host an event on January 30, 2025, in Stockholm. Please, contact Heikki Ilvessalo or Helena Hallgarn for more information.
Lex Linnunmaa will host a session on May 20, 2025, in Helsinki. More information coming soon.
Altogether, there will be at least five sessions in Finland this year and most likely as many in Sweden.
Past events
Legal Tech Glögit Fondialla
Iso kiitos koko Fondian tiimille erityisesti Henna, Fanny ja Harri erittäin inspiroivien ja onnistuneiden glögien järjestämisestä 10.12.2024 ja kaikille osallistujille hyvistä keskusteluista!

Lue Henna Tolvasen blogiteksti tapahtumasta täältä. Read Henna Tolvanen’s blog post about the event here.
The Founding Meeting of the Legal Transformation Network at Roschier

On November 26, 2024, Roschier hosted the set-up meeting for the Legal Transformation Network in Stockholm, Sweden. The event aimed to accelerate change in the legal field through collaboration and knowledge sharing by launching a new network modelled after the Legal Tech Glögit Network. The event gathered 30 participants from all sectors of the legal field.
Jan Willamo, along with the organizing team—Mia Edwall-Insulander, Helena Hallgarn, Mårten Willamo, and Heikki Ilvessalo—opened the session by highlighting the network’s benefits, and by sharing experiences and insights from Finland.
The discussion moderated by Helena and Heikki, focused on the strategy of the network and action plan for 2025. Participants actively engaged in a dialogue about the network’s mission, value proposition and target audience, laying a strong foundation for the agendas of the future events, and collaborations between the Swedish and Finnish networks.
As a result, the Legal Transformation Network was officially founded, and the first dates for upcoming sessions in Sweden were set.
“Glöggmingel” – The first session in Sweden at the Swedish Bar Association

On December 19, 2024, the Swedish chapter of the network kicked off with a festive “Glöggmingel” at the Swedish Bar Association, bringing together nearly 30 participants.
Charlotta Kronblad joined us online, and her insights sparked engaging discussions on how to embrace and drive legal transformation.
The mingling wasn’t just about glögg and good company—it became a foundation for brainstorming how to create meaningful and practical content for our network. From fostering connections to exploring new ideas in legal practice, this gathering set the tone for what’s to come. Kaisa Kromhof, Jan Söderström and I were part of the Finnish delegation.
Join the new LinkedIn group
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new LinkedIn group, Legal Transformation Network! Helena Hallgarn and Heikki Ilvessalo will moderate it together.
This group is a space for members in Finland and Sweden to exchange ideas about events, share suggestions for speakers, and stay informed about upcoming events. Join us today and be a part of the online conversation too.
RegTech with Sitra and Teknologiateollisuus ry
Sitra and Teknologiateollisuus ry are hosting a breakfast networking event on Regulatory technology (RegTech). The event will unite key RegTech players to discuss collaboration opportunities for success in the EU market, network with industry peers, and identify future growth prospects.
Pre-registration is required! Please, register here.
📅Date: February 5, 2025
🕒Time: 08:30 – 11:00
📍Location: Sitra, Itämerenkatu 11-13
Invite your friends to join the Legal Tech Glögit Network!
Please invite your friends to join the network by sharing this link.