We accelerate the digital transformation and evolution in the fields of professional services and knowledge work by offering customized search and data insight solutions based on our Ilves enterprise standard software suite. Our mission is to make our clients’ institutional data, information, and knowledge valuable by making large amounts of data easily accessible.

The foundation of your digital capability

Ilves enterprise search & insight engine platform was built on top of the Ilveshaku technology developed since 2011. Now, Ilves enterprise suite is a platform enabling rapid development of your organization’s digital capabilities.

Ready-made or customized capabilities

The architecture of our platform allows benefiting from ready-to-use plugins as well as customized plugins. Easily enhance your strategic capabilities by choosing plug-ins from the menu or by ordering customized plugins. Contact us to get an offer.

Customized AI plugins

Benefiting from constantly evolving AI capabilities couldn’t be easier. Use e.g. Microsoft Computer Vision API for powerful image filtering. Tell us your business need and we will develop a customized plugin for your needs by using the latest AI capabilities available.

Support and maintenance

Our customized solutions include support and maintenance to ensure that the service is well accessed with efficient and customer-friendly transparent tools. Ilves maintenance tool IlvesAdmin enables quick response times.

Effective management of customer support requests is guaranteed by our transparent and scalable Atlassian JIRA issue tracker.


Finnish Asiakastieto Oy, Yritysfillteri Pro targetgroup tool

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: Project system

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